
Why visit Frankfurt?

The European Central Bank is based in Frankfurt, a significant financial center located on the banks of the Main River in central Germany. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a well-known writer, was born there; his old house is now the Goethe House Museum. It was damaged during World War II and later rebuilt, much like the rest of the city. Römerberg is a square in the rebuilt Altstadt (Old Town) where a yearly Christmas market is held.

Things Polari Travel recommend to do while in Frankfurt

  • Stadel Museum
  • Main Tower
  • Palmen Garten
  • Romer
  • Kleinmarkthalle Catherdral of St.Bartholomew
  • Senckenberg Natural history museum
  • Old Opera house
  • German film Museum
  • Goethe House Museum 

+ many more


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